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Unlock hotel discounts worldwide!

StudentUniverse is your new go-to for student hotel discounts. If you’ve been crashing on your friends’ lumpy couches or squeezing seven people into one hotel room, you’re doing it wrong. Our discount hotel prices make staying at a hotel easy on the budget. Whether you’re planning a trip for next year or next weekend, we’ve got discount hotels for you.

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The ultimate holiday requires the perfect hotel. We’ve got discounts on hotels that will fit all budgets and preferences. Score up to 30% off everything from backpacker budget hostels to fancier hotels. Cheaper hotels mean more weekend getaways and more chances to explore during uni holidays.

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Heading abroad? Getting a hotel can be affordable, you just have to know where to look. It doesn’t matter if you’re flying to New York, London or Los Angeles, we’ve got deals on hotels pretty much everywhere.

Unlock hotel discounts worldwide!

StudentUniverse is your new go-to for student hotel discounts. If you’ve been crashing on your friends’ lumpy couches or squeezing seven people into one hotel room, you’re doing it wrong. Our discount hotel prices make staying at a hotel easy on the budget. Whether you’re planning a trip for next year or next weekend, we’ve got discount hotels for you.