Compare Flights - Flight deals & discounts

Why compare?

We're certain that as a student, you'll discover fantastic flight deals when you book with StudentUniverse. However, we want to ensure you share in that confidence as well. To streamline the process, we've developed this tool to allow you to compare flight deals from various websites. Just enter your preferred trip details and select the websites you wish to compare. Your bank balance will appreciate it.

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Finished comparing deals? Search and book your flight with us now that you know we’ve got those great prices.

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Why shop with StudentUniverse

Exclusive flight discounts

We negotiate directly with airlines to get under 30's exclusive & discounts

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Travel resources to help make the most of your next adventure

Things to do around the world on a student budget
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Things to do in Europe for less than $20
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Ways to be a more eco-friendly traveller
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Frequently asked questions about booking flights

How do I compare flight prices?

When searching for the most affordable flight, it's wise to compare prices before making your booking. Conveniently, you can do this right here on StudentUniverse. Simply navigate to the top of this page, input your destination, select the websites you'd like to compare prices on, and start comparing. You'll have access to various online prices, ensuring peace of mind that you've secured the best deal. Additionally, when looking to book a flight on our site, you should consider using flexible dates to view prices within a few days of your selected dates. Sometimes adjusting your travel by a day or two can result in significant savings!

Should I wait to book my flight?

The decision to wait to book your flight hinges on the proximity of your planned trip. Typically, the optimal booking period varies between domestic and international travel. For domestic flights, it's advisable to book ideally between 1-3 months prior to departure, while international flights usually offer the best fares 2-8 months in advance. If you've missed these windows, keep an eye out for promo code sales, which can help reduce costs. To secure a budget-friendly flight, stay organised and monitor airline ticket prices in advance, that way you can seize great deals as soon as they show up.

How does StudentUniverse work?

At its essence, StudentUniverse operates by negotiating excellent deals for students and young adults with airlines. We believe that travel opportunities are transformative and educational, and therefore should be accessible to everyone, regardless of budget constraints. For a more detailed explanation of our workings, click here. If you're a current student, we recommend you verify your student status on your account in order to access our most exclusive rates. However, if you're not a student, don't worry! Everyone can book a trip with us and take advantage of our sales. Simply search for your desired trip and start your journey.

How can I find the cheapest flight using StudentUniverse?

Regardless of your destination, discounted travel deals are within reach. Start by ensure your student status is verified on your account to unlock exclusive offers (if applicable) that way you see those lowest rates while searching. If you have date flexibility, we recommend utilising our flexible search tool to see price variations around your chosen travel dates, as departing a day or two earlier or later can result in substantial savings. Additionally, larger airports often offer lower prices, so exploring all your airport options is worthwhile to secure the best deal. Lastly, consider subscribing to our newsletter or downloading our app to stay updated on our latest sales and deals.

Is StudentUniverse just for students?

StudentUniverse caters to everyone, from students and young adults to parents, professors, and indeed, anyone. We impose no restrictions on who can book a trip with us; as long as you're old enough to purchase a flight or hotel, you're eligible to book. While our name originated from our focus on student discount rates, our services are accessible to all. However, our most exclusive rates remain visible and available solely to verified student members.

Is StudentUniverse legit?

Yes, StudentUniverse is a legit online travel agency. Since 2000, we've facilitated millions of bookings, resulting in major savings for our customers. For further reassurance, just take a look at reviews from verified customers who have shared their experiences booking with StudentUniverse.

How does StudentUniverse find such low flight prices?

At StudentUniverse we’ve spent years working with airlines to negotiate lower costs of travel for our customers. We firmly believe that travel should be affordable for everyone, regardless of budget size. Whether it's flights or hotels, our team works diligently to maintain highly competitive prices, ensuring travel accessibility for all.