Unlock unique hidden discounts by becoming a member

Our members are already saving millions on travel every year—why not join the club? Membership is free and you’ll start saving money immediately! Plus, anyone can sign up for membership and get exclusive deals on flights, hotels and more.

Easy sign up

Become a member and let us know if you’re a student or not. You’ll instantly unlock unique student fares and member-only deals!

Search flights

Find and compare prices and itineraries for flights on 220+ airlines with one quick search. Members can save personal and travel info to make checkout a snap.

Save more money

University is expensive. Our members get exclusive discounts, promo codes and a lot of sales to save the most money on flights and hotels.

See the world

Head back to school, hop up to Europe or travel around the world: we’ll save you money no matter where you’re going.

Benefits of becoming a member

We’ve got membership options for everyone whether you’re a student or post-grad, first-time traveller or frequent flier.


  • Book our public fares
  • Access our 24/7 customer support team if you need anything

Basic Membership

Always free!

  • All the perks guests get, plus:
  • Unlock member-exclusive hidden fares and hotel deals
  • Take advantage of our promo codes and special offers to save even more
  • Save your details for a quick and easy checkout process
  • Verify your student status to purchase exclusive student fares

Frequently asked questions about becoming a member

How do I become a member?

What if I’m not a student?

Why do I need to verify my student status?

Is this too good to be true?

So I can get student discounts on flights?